1st Birthday Party Games For Babies And Adults

A first birthday is a significant milestone, not just for the baby but for the entire family. It’s a celebration of the baby’s first year of life and the parents’ first year of parenthood.

Planning a party that includes both babies and adults can be a delightful way to strengthen family bonds and create lasting memories.

Let’s dive into some fun and engaging first birthday party games that both babies and adults can enjoy together.


Written by Noel Mifsud

Last Updated: May 21, 2024  |  5 min Read


Find detailed breakdowns for each game, including the benefits they offer, the intensity level of physical exertion, age appropriateness, suggested playtime, number of players, and the materials needed.


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1. Bubble Bonanza

Motor skills, hand-eye coordination, social bonding
6 months+
2 (low)
Any number
10 minutes
Bubble solution, bubble wands

How to play

Create a bubble station with a variety of bubble wands. Adults can blow bubbles while the babies chase and pop them. It’s a simple and magical activity that delights both age groups.

2. Musical Mats

Movement, coordination, following instructions
9 months+
4 (medium)
3 or more
10-15 minutes
Soft mats, music player

How to play

Place mats in a circle. When the music plays, everyone (babies and adults) moves around the mats. When the music stops, everyone finds a mat to sit on. No one is “out” to keep it fun and stress-free.

3. Parachute Play

Strength, coordination, encourages understanding
6 months+
3 (low)
4 or more
10-15 minutes
Small parachute or large sheet

How to play

Gather around the parachute with babies and adults holding the edges. Lift it up and down to create waves, play peek-a-boo underneath, or toss soft balls onto the parachute and watch them bounce.


4. Treasure Hunt

Crawling, walking & exploration skills
9 months+
4 (medium)
2 or more
15-20 minutes
Soft toys, colorful balls, small containers

How to play

Hide baby-safe toys and objects around a designated area. Adults can help babies search and collect the treasures in small containers. Celebrate each find with applause and cheers.

5. Sing-Along Circle

Clapping & simple movements, language development & memory
All ages
2 (low)
Any number
10-15 minutes
None (optional: musical instruments like shakers or tambourines)

How to play

Form a circle and sing classic children’s songs. Adults can lead the singing and use simple instruments while encouraging babies to clap, dance, or move to the rhythm.

6. Ball Pit Fun

Balance, coordination, sensory exploration
6 months+
5 (medium)
Any number
15-20 minutes
Inflatable pool, plastic balls

How to play

Prepare a foam ball pit. Adults help babies as they get into the pit, playing gently by tossing balls around and aiding the little ones explore.


7. Peek-a-Boo Station

Movement, coordination, object permanence, strengthens bonds
All ages
1 (low)
Any number
10-15 minutes
Scarves or lightweight blankets

How to play

Set up an area where adults can play peek-a-boo with the babies using scarves or blankets. Take turns hiding behind the scarves and popping out to surprise the babies.

8. Art Station

Fine motor skills, creativity, self-expression
9 months+
2 (low)
Any number
15-20 minutes
Large sheets of paper, non-toxic crayons or finger paints

How to play

Lay out large sheets of paper and provide non-toxic crayons or finger paints. Adults can guide babies in making their first artwork, creating a memorable keepsake from the party.

9. Story Time

Language skills, imagination, listening, group interaction.
All ages
1 (low)
Any number
10-15 minutes
Picture books

How to play

Create a cozy corner with pillows and soft blankets. Adults can take turns reading picture books to the babies, engaging them with expressive voices and showing them the colorful illustrations.

10. Dance Party

Gross motor skills, coordination, social interaction
6 months+
6 (high)
Any number
10-20 minutes
Music player

How to play

Play lively, upbeat music and have a dance party. Adults can hold the babies and dance around, or encourage the babies to move and groove on their own. It’s a fun way to get everyone moving.

Tips for Making these Games Successful

Keeping Babies Engaged

Ensure activities are short and varied to match babies’ short attention spans. Have plenty of breaks and quiet areas for rest.

Involving Adults

Encourage adults to participate to allow for adult-baby interaction.

Balancing Activities

Mix active games with quieter ones to keep the energy balanced. This helps prevent overstimulation for babies.

Final Thoughts about 1st Birthday Party Games

Celebrating a first birthday with games that both babies and adults can enjoy together is a wonderful way to mark this special occasion. These activities not only provide entertainment but also foster connections and create lasting memories.

Let us know what you think of these games by commenting below.

Find more party games in these age-appropriate sections:

Toddler Party Games

Kids Party Games

Teen Party Games

And if you need a step-by-step guide for party planning go to Kids Party Planning Pro: Getting Started Step By Step.


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